Amiga CD-Sensation: Golden Games
Amiga CD-Sensation - Ausgabe 2 - Golden Games (1996)(GTI - Schatztruhe)(DE)[!].iso
Fun 4 Workbench
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C/C++ Source or Header
308 lines
#define WB_PARSE /* Look at the WINDOW tooltype */
#undef WB_OPEN_NIL /* Just open NIL: for io if started from Workbench */
#undef WB_CLOSE_FILES /* This should normally be set if one of the other */
/* WB_ flags is */
#undef CLI_PARSE /* Do CLI argument parsing */
* This is a simplified startup module for Manx. The only extra module
* that is linked is crt0.
* This module does NOT support each of the following:
* . stdin, stdout, stderr. Use Input() and Output() instead. Don't Close
* these files yourself, however: they are only lended to you.
* . Cleanup of malloc()ed memory on exit.
* It supports optionally:
* . CLI command line parsing: argc, argv.
* . Opening window via the WINDOW tooltypes entry, and closing it on exit.
* It DOES support:
* . CloseLibrary on DOSBase, MathBase, MathTransBase, MathIeeeDoubBasBase,
* if non-NULL.
* You can link extra cleanup modules before the rest of exit(), by
* setting _cln to your routine, and saving the previous value of _cln.
* If it is non-NULL, call it after you have done your extra cleanup.
* This pointer is normally used (and ruthlessly overwritten) by malloc().
#include <functions.h>
#include <exec/alerts.h>
#include <exec/memory.h>
#include <libraries/dosextens.h>
/* #include <workbench/icon.h> */
#include <workbench/workbench.h>
#include <workbench/startup.h>
void *SysBase, *DOSBase;
void *MathBase, *MathTransBase, *MathIeeeDoubBasBase;
void *IconBase;
long _savsp, _stkbase; /* Initial SP, and stack base */
long _argcli; /* Pointer to CLI structure, or NULL (wb) */
char **_argv; /* Standard C argv (when parsed) */
/* or (char *)initial-A0 (when not parsed) */
/* or copy of WBenchMsg (when WorkBench) */
int _argc; /* Number of arguments (when parsed) */
/* or -1 (when not parsed) */
/* or 0 (when WorkBench) */
int _arg_len; /* Length of reconstructed command line (when parsed) */
/* or length of argument part only (D0) (when not parsed) */
/* or 0 (when WorkBench) */
struct WBStartup *WBenchMsg; /* Our Workbench startup message */
#ifdef WB_OPEN_NIL
static char nilname[] = "NIL:";
# ifdef WB_PARSE
static char nilname[] = "NIL:";
# endif
* This routine is called from the _main() routine and is used to
* open a window for standard I/O to use. The window is actually
* defined by setting the ToolType, "WINDOW", to the desired window
* specification. If this is not required, this routine may be
* replaced by a stub in the users main program. Note that even if
* this code is called by _main(), if the WINDOW tool type is not
* defined, there will be no window.
* EXAMPLE: WINDOW=CON:0/0/640/200/Test Window
#ifdef WB_PARSE
_wb_parse(pp, wbm)
register struct Process *pp;
struct WBStartup *wbm;
register char *cp;
register struct DiskObject *dop;
register struct FileHandle *fhp;
register long wind;
void *_OpenLibrary();
long _Open();
if ((IconBase = _OpenLibrary("icon.library", 0L)) == 0)
if ((dop = GetDiskObject(wbm->sm_ArgList->wa_Name)) == 0)
goto closeit;
if ( (cp = FindToolType(dop->do_ToolTypes, "WINDOW")) &&
(wind = _Open(cp, MODE_OLDFILE)) )
fhp = (struct FileHandle *) (wind << 2);
pp->pr_ConsoleTask = (APTR) fhp->fh_Type;
pp->pr_CIS = (BPTR) wind;
pp->pr_COS = (BPTR) _Open("*", MODE_OLDFILE);
} else {
pp->pr_CIS = (BPTR) _Open(nilname, MODE_OLDFILE);
pp->pr_COS = (BPTR) _Open(nilname, MODE_OLDFILE);
IconBase = 0;
#endif /* WB_PARSE */
#ifdef CLI_PARSE
* This routine is called from the _main() routine and is used to
* parse the arguments passed from the CLI to the program. It sets
* up an array of pointers to arguments in the global variables and
* and sets up _argc and _argv which will be passed by _main() to
* the main() procedure. If no arguments are ever going to be
* parsed, this routine may be replaced by a stub routine to reduce
* program size.
* If _arg_lin is non-zero, the _exit() routine will call FreeMem()
* with _arg_lin as the memory to free and _arg_len as the size.
char *_arg_lin;
_cli_parse(pp, alen, aptr)
struct Process *pp;
long alen;
register char *aptr;
register char *cp;
register struct CommandLineInterface *cli;
register int c;
void *_AllocMem();
cli = (struct CommandLineInterface *)_argcli;
cp = (char *)((long)cli->cli_CommandName << 2);
_arg_len = cp[0]+alen+2;
if ((_arg_lin = _AllocMem((long)_arg_len, 0L)) == 0)
strncpy(_arg_lin, cp+1, cp[0]);
strcpy(_arg_lin+cp[0], " ");
strncat(_arg_lin, aptr, (int)alen);
for (_argc = 0, aptr = cp = _arg_lin; ;_argc++) {
while ((c=*cp) == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\f' ||
c == '\r' || c == '\n') /* Skip white space */
if (*cp < ' ')
break; /* End of line */
if (*cp == '"') {
cp++; /* Quoted argument */
while (c = *cp++) { /* Until end of line */
*aptr++ = c;
if (c == '"') { /* Another quote */
if (*cp == '"') { /* "" is an imbedded quote */
} else {
aptr[-1] = 0; /* End of quoted argument */
} /* end looking at next char */
} /* end if second quote */
} /* end while */
} /* end if first quote */
else { /* not a quote */
while ((c=*cp++) && c != ' ' && c != '\t' && c != '\f' &&
c != '\r' && c != '\n') /* Skip until next white space */
*aptr++ = c;
*aptr++ = 0; /* Null-terminate a word */
if (c == 0) /* At end of line */
--cp; /* backup to the null byte */
*aptr = 0;
if ((_argv = _AllocMem((long)(_argc+1)*sizeof(*_argv), 0L)) == 0) {
_argc = 0;
for (c=0, cp=_arg_lin; c < _argc; c++) {
_argv[c] = cp; /* Build array of pointers to arguments */
cp += strlen(cp) + 1;
_argv[c] = 0; /* Null-terminate it */
#endif /* CLI_PARSE */
* This is common startup code for both the CLI and the WorkBench,
* parsed or not.
_main(alen, aptr)
long alen;
char *aptr;
register struct Process *pp, *_FindTask();
void *_OpenLibrary(), *_GetMsg(), *_AllocMem();
long _Input(), _Output(), _Open();
_stkbase = _savsp - *((long *)_savsp+1) + 8;
pp = _FindTask(0L);
if (_argcli = pp->pr_CLI << 2) {
#ifdef CLI_PARSE
_cli_parse(pp, alen, aptr);
_argv = (char **)aptr;
_arg_len = alen; /* Will not be deallocated since not CLI_PARSE */
_argc = -1; /* Who would use this ?? */
aptr[alen - 1] = '\0'; /* Null-termination is easy */
#endif /* CLI_PARSE */
} else {
WBenchMsg = _GetMsg(&pp->pr_MsgPort);
if (WBenchMsg->sm_ArgList)
#ifdef WB_PARSE
_wb_parse(pp, WBenchMsg); /* May open window */
# ifdef WB_OPEN_NIL
pp->pr_CIS = (BPTR) _Open(nilname, MODE_OLDFILE);
pp->pr_COS = (BPTR) _Open(nilname, MODE_OLDFILE);
# endif
_argv = (char **)WBenchMsg;
_arg_len = 0;
main(_argc, _argv, _argcli); /* _argcli is sort of environment... */
exit(0); /* This IS necessary! */
void (*_cln)();
long ret = code;
register struct Process *pp, *_FindTask();
if (_cln)
if (MathTransBase)
if (MathBase)
if (MathIeeeDoubBasBase)
move.l 4,a6 ;get ExecBase
btst.b #4,$129(a6) ;check for 68881 flag in AttnFlags
beq 1$ ;skip if not
move.l a5,-(sp)
lea 2$,a5
jsr -30(a6) ;do it in supervisor mode
move.l (sp)+,a5
bra 1$
clr.l -(sp)
frestore (sp)+ ;reset the ffp stuff
rte ;and return
if (WBenchMsg == 0) {
#ifdef CLI_PARSE
if (_arg_len) {
_FreeMem(_arg_lin, (long)_arg_len);
_FreeMem(_argv, (long)(_argc+1)*sizeof(*_argv));
} else {
pp = _FindTask(0L);
Close(pp->pr_CIS); /* Close window opened by startup code */
Close(pp->pr_CIS); /* or maybe just NIL: files */
if (DOSBase)
move.l -4(a5),d0 ;pick up return exit code
move.l __savsp#,sp ;get back original stack pointer
rts ;and exit